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Thursday, June 11, 2020

R3 Turf, R4 Industrial, and R3 Radial Difference


When purchasing a 2025R Compact Utility Tractor, you now have the option to choose between an R3 Turf Tire, R4 Industrial Tire, or the new R3 Radial Tire. With this option being available, we wanted to make sure you know the differences between these tires so that you are able to make the best decision when it comes to choosing tires for your 2025R.

R3 Turf Tire

The main attribute of the turf bias tire is its ability to minimize turf damage due to its less aggressive tread style. It also holds well in grass conditions and provides a smoother ride when on hard surfaces such as concrete or black-top. One issue with it is that it tends to clump with mud more quickly than other tires because there is not as area in between tread which allows for the clean out necessary to work well in muddy or swampy conditions.

R4 Industrial Tire

The R4 Industrial is the most common tire found on our tractors currently. These tires are most commonly used in dirt environments or hard ground applications. These tires are usually made of a more wear-resistant composite that holds up well on asphalt and gravel, making it the ideal choice when you find yourself working on aggressive surfaces, and also when working with a loader. These tires are designed with a steep edge that gives the tires great traction when in the dirt, but can leave marks in the turf. These tires are also designed for cleaning out the dirt build up in the tires as it drives, leaving them to have traction at all times.

R3 Radial Tires

These tires are a cross between R3 Turf and R4 industrial tires. These tires allow the sidewall and tread to function as two independent features of the tire. The radial tire allows the machine to transfer more power to the ground. Thanks to the flexibility and strength of this tire, the tire absorbs shocks, impact and bumps. With these tires being a cross between the 2 tires, the result is a more comfortable ride and better handling. The tire has a curved edge which will not tear up the yard as much as an R4 would, but the tread is as thick as a R4. The spacing between treads is also similar to the R4 which allows the dirt to be cleaned out of the tire as it drives which gives it better traction during your projects at home.

This pretty much sums up the main differences between these tires. For more information, visit our website at westcentraleq.com or stop in any of our 5 locations.

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